Eastern Security Network (ESN) Very Pivotal And Vital Asset To The People Of Biafra
■ Onyebuchukwu Olusco Nwa Biafra
■ Twitter: @umuchiukwu
■ 24 April 2021
A people without security or any race that doesn't have a defense that can defend them when a great danger arises in the land, certainly, their young men and women shall continue to perish prematurely. That's exactly what the case has looked like in the entire length and breadth of Biafraland for the past five years.
For so many years now, Fulani terrorist herdsmen have continued to hide in our farms and in our forests to commit genocide against our people.
On many occasions, we have seen situations whereby the Fulani terrorist herdsmen would storm a community or a village in Biafraland ransacking and slaughtering innocent Biafrans in their villages with impunity unprovoked.
The wholesale slaughter of our people continued with no one doing anything to stop it or arresting the perpetrators to face the law, not the central government or the slave state governors can do anything. So when IPOB under the leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu could not bear it any longer the thought of securing our land and saving our people became paramount, ESN was formed and launched by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu on the 12th of December 2020, ever since then our people cherished the ESN as it has given them back peace of mind and we make bold to say that ESN has become very pivotal and vital to the people of Biafra.
Without this very regional security outfit, by now the entire Biafraland would have been gone and completely taken over and occupied by the Fulani terrorist herdsmen from across the Sahel equipped and sponsored by the Nigerian Fulani terrorist Government in their bid to conquer Biafraland for their inevitable Fulaninization and Islamization of Nigeria agenda.
No doubt, the continuous unprovoked and unjustified slaughtering of our people gave birth to the ESN that you are seeing today, they have been doing marvelously well only an idiot will argue this very blatant fact.
As a Biafran and as a true son of the soil, I remembered what our grandfathers and forefathers use to do back in the days whenever there is a problem, each time anything unusual happens in the land they would immediately call for a meeting, put heads together to find a solution to solve that very problem that is confronting them as a people, and not as an individual. Compare that to what we have in Biafraland today, only then will you conclude and agree with me that the ESN is a very pivotal and vital asset to us as a race.
We don't have leaders anymore, what we have in our land today are Fulani stooges, Fulani slaves who are always ready and willing to do the biddings of their masters, they don't even mind killing their people, in as far as their masters in the North are pleased with that, killing their people for money and political power is their number one priority.
The Fulani people are very clever and of course well advised by the British Government, them knowing fully well that those that should be protecting us, those that we call our political and traditional leaders are on the ground doing their bidding for them perfectly well, instead of them becoming afraid, they are rather comfortable to kill us the more.
In the past five years, the Fulani terrorist herdsmen have been killing us with impunity, of course, they know that nobody will come to our rescue, they know that the UN and EU of this world will never say anything about it, they are 100% sure that the Yoruba journalists will not report it, even when they decide to write an editorial about it, they will say it's a farmers-herders clash, an obvious slaughtering of innocent villagers that was carried out by the Fulani terrorist herdsmen will be twisted and reported in the national dailies as a farmers-herders clash, that's to show you how wicked and unprofessional some journalists are in the zoo called Nigeria, the same thing applies to the world mainstream media, they see nothing and they report nothing.
So our case is like that of a little child that doesn't have a father or a mother, or any relatives to come to his or her rescue when he or she is been beaten up by one bigger than them.
If they are coming to massacre us again thinking it will be like before then they will have ESN to contend with.
ESN is an Army of volunteers who are dedicated to their cause, they can not be defeated by the Fulani terrorist herdsmen or the compromised and terrorists-infected security forces like the Nigeria military and police.
I want to use this opportunity to warn all those who are hell-bent on destroying the marvelous works the ESN are doing in our land to please desist from sabotaging their efforts or face the wrath of the land of Biafra. I want you to understand that ESN is the first and last defense line that we have as a race to safeguard and defend our ancestral land against any Fulani terrorist herdsmen incursion into our territory, and for that reason, ESN can never be traded for anything.
The ESN stated goal is to combat foreign Fulani terrorist herdsmen occupying our forests and farmlands in the entire Biafraland and also serve as protection for the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) against the unprovoked and constant kidnapping, brutality, and killings by the Nigeria security forces, nothing more, and nothing less.
Eastern security network (ESN) is indeed very pivotal and vital asset to the people of Biafra!
Shalom and Remain Blessed Umunnem.
Edited By Aguocha Chinwendum
Published By Nwaiwu Chiukwuebuka
For Umuchiukwu Writers.
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