■ Author: Chinonso Igwebuike Mbah

■ Twitter: @umuchiukwu

■ 07, Apr 2021 

Its no longer news to Biafrans and Nigerians that Britain created Nigeria for her economic exploration, in so doing, it's their responsibility to protect their company known as Nigeria, because it has always been the priority of every country to protect their economic interest first, and that is what Britain is doing in Nigeria, they are willing to sacrifice anything sacrifice-able including indigenous people that were forcefully amalgamated into being Nigerians, they created Nigeria out of selfishness and love for oil and gas, Nigeria is a fraud, it's a crime against humanity that should be disintegrated, but Britain will never support her disintegration because if Nigeria should disintegrate in less than six months, they will go bankrupt. 

The visit of British Armed forces minister James Heappey to Nigeria is a vindication of "IPOB" /Mazi Nnamdi Kanu statement that they will do everything humanly possible to keep Nigeria as one indivisible entity, including leading a second genocidal war against Biafrans, it's on record that during the Nigeria-Biafra war of 1967-1970 Britain was at the forefront of supplying Nigerian government with war arsenal in which they massacred 10million Biafrans and still counting. Humanity must note that James Heappey has come with an ulterior motive. 

They are here to Strategize with Nigerian murderous security operatives on how to commit second genocide against Biafrans; if his visit to Nigeria has nothing to do with Biafrans, why was his visit kept secret, no media house in Nigeria has published his visit to Nigeria, the world must note that Britain is at it again as another round of genocide looms in Nigeria, they have come again to do the biding of lucifer their creator, but this time around we Biafrans will resist every of their attempt to unleash genocide in our land.


British governments are the conspirators of series of genocide happening in Nigeria, all because of their love for oil and gas in our land they have sold their conscience to lucifer, that the lives of Biafrans don't matter to them, to continue with their genocidal mission in Biafra land, and arm their foot terrorist soldiers in Nigeria to do their bidding they hurriedly request to establish regional force in West-Africa if British government are not conspirators of the mayhem and genocide are happening in Nigeria why are they against the disintegration of Nigeria? Why have they not condemn in totality the crime against humanity happening in Nigeria? The British government is evil, and they must pay for their evil deeds against Biafrans. 

They have deployed their special armed forces simply because Biafrans have risen to defend themselves against terrorists; mind you, their visit to Nigeria was after Nigeria terrorists military declare war on "IPOB", ESN, and unknown gunmen/women, which simply tells you that the British government has sent their military advisers to forcibly keep Nigeria one, and possibly declare war against any indigenous people that wants freedom, their armed forces invited to Nigeria won't strategize with their Nigeria terrorist military on how to combat bandits, Fulani Herdsmen, and Boko harm. 

The bitter truth remains that the British government are sponsors of terrorism in Nigeria because of their selfish interest, but they must note that we Biafrans are wiser now than before, the genocide of 1967-1970 is still fresh in our heart and never can we forgive nor forget the involvement of British government in that bloody genocide, they must pay dearly for the souls of 10milion Biafrans they massacred, never again shall we allow the genocide of 1967-1970 to repeat itself, we rather die together with British government than allow her murderous janjaweed Nigeria military to invade our land, any attempt by Nigeria military to invade our land must be resisted, and if the British government continues to arm Nigeria janjaweed military believe you me that war will start from Britain, we are not joking, this is not 1970s, is either Britain allow us to go or we sink Nigeria together with the British government The British government must disassociate themselves from this storm that is now gathering, else they will be consumed by the storm, they better call their slave puppies to order, because when it rains they will not be spared, allow us to go, we were never Nigerians when you invaded our land and forcibly amalgamated us neither was our forefather's signatory to the amalgamation documents. 

On what moral ground should the British government- say that Nigeria must remain one indivisible entity? The world must note that it's all about their economic interest; they got no right to say I am a Nigerian when I am not; the name is disgusting and terrifying, a very horrific entity that no rightful human being will ever like to live in, not even animals. 

On this note, I wish to let the world, most especially the United Nations know that the British government has deployed its Army chiefs to Nigeria for another round of genocide against Biafrans; we know that the visit of British army ministers to Nigeria is too strategic with Nigeria janjaweed military on possible means to massacre Biafrans, international communities should therefore caution British government on the suicidal mission they have chosen to play against Biafrans, any attempt to declare war on Biafrans by Nigeria government will lead to 3rd world war, Biafrans has the rights to self-defence and freedom, the British government should kindly and quietly tell their murderous janjaweed Nigeria security operatives to vacate our land, and on no account should they attack IPOB or ESN again because if they do, we must surely defend ourselves. 

Even with the last drop of our sweat.#BritainSponsorsOfGenocideInNigeria #StopTheGenocideInNigeria 

Edited By Ezekwereogu Odinaka 

Published By Udeagha Obasi 

For Umuchiukwu Writers

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