■Author:  Nwaiwu Chiukwuebuka

■ Twitter: @umuchiukwu

■ 23, Mar 2021 

The Biafra independence we seek will not in any way be like Nigeria that was created for selfish interest, neither will it run the corrupt style of Nigeria governing structure, which was meant to sustain and harbour corrupt practices. 

In Biafra, there shall be a temple for the Almighty Creator, where everyone will call upon his name; it will be a sacred place for the Most-High, where HE will be worshipped till the end of time just like in the days of the old. 

The new coming Biafra Nation will be the first African country to maintain law and order; no one will be above the law, the law will serve justice to both the rich and the poor because we all are created equal before God and man. 

The struggle for the restoration of Biafra has made Biafran people revolutionaries; they are ever ready to revolt against their leaders if their leaders attempt trying to corrupt Biafra polity just like the way Nigeria is the home of corruption. 

The Biafra we seek will not be left out to be hijacked by Evil men or be piloted by external Bodies, neither traitors, betrayers, and those responsible for our downfall and sorrows in Nigeria. Politics would be allowed into the Biafran governing bodies. We shall make sure those that sold us out pay heavily for their atrocity; there will be no forgiveness for them. All sections of the Biafra region will be treated.

Equally, discrimination among ethnic nationalities will be highly prohibited. Otherwise, the law will take its course.

 There will be standard Education, electricity, infrastructures, roads, health care system, and other things that bring development to a country; Biafra nation will be the home of all oppressed people around the world and shall fight oppressors head-on. We shall produce 70% of usable items in the country, just like most of the countries in the world, which helps the country's economy to grow and remain strong. 

Murder, Terrorism, Robbery, kidnapping, fraud, and rape will be serious offences that can attract the death penalty; Biafra Nation will be among the top list to record low crime rate in the world, making other countries adopt our system and tactful policies. 

Our Agricultural system will be the finest in the world because we have the best atmosphere and also have capable brains to grow our foods and livestock. Her military and Police will be the most disciplined and most powerful ones in the world; they'll never be like corrupt Nigerian security agencies; they shall protect our borders and citizens with their lives as they did during the Biafran War in 1967-70. Biafra Nation shall restore the lost sanity of the Black race, and the world will marvel because of our progress. 

The Biafra we seek shall save the world from destruction. 

Edited By Aguocha Chinwendum 

Published By Udeagha Obasi 

For Umuchiukwu Writers.

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