April 04, 2020 | The Biafra Telegraph

The pandemic Corona virus (Covid-19). In his book "The Eyes of Darkness" by Dean Koontz, this Author shared a conversation where Dombey told Tina of how a Chinese scientist by name Li Chen defected to the United States carrying a diskette record of China most dangerous and important new biological weapon in a decade. They called the stuff “Wuhan-400" because it was developed at their RDNA laboratory outside of the city of Wuhan, and it was the 400th viable strain of man-made microorganism created at the research centre.

According to the Author, Wuhan-400 is a perfect weapon. It afflicts only human beings. No other living creature can contact it. This virus infection was planned years back. Little wonder why the Chinese in their crave for World Power developed this Biological Weapon and invade the World, especially African countries where Bill Gates targets more casualties.

Back here, the Lord Lugard & Flora Shaw enclave called Nigeria, has been visited by the virus through the instrumentation of the one who man's the seat of power, by name Abba Kyari. His target has always been on how to destroy Biafrans in their homeland but thanks to Akwa Abasi IBOM, the creator of the universe who knows the intent of everyone.

The Government has ordered a lockdown in some States in the enclave to see how to further the cause of Usman Dan Fodio from the Sahara Desert to the coast of Biafra. Without making provision for the inhabitants except for the Fulani in the North, they have rolled out the Nigeria Army to force Biafrans to stay home and die of hunger, where as in the Northern part of the country, we can see Sadiq Umar Farouq, Minister of Humanitarian affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, boldly distributing cash to the citizens there. When she was questioned about the marginalization of Biafrans in this scheme, she simply said that Biafrans don't need help and should not expect anything from the grant raised by people and companies for Covid-19 outbreak. Interestingly, the major donors to the funds are Biafran billionaires.

In Akwa Ibom State, the Governor was quick to copy the "Lock down" instruction but unfortunately, he was not prepared in any way to cushion the effect on the citizens. There was no provision of any kind both in Food and health, especially persons with disabilities, who are the most vulnerable followed by artisans just to mention a few. People were just forced to lock themselves up for a long period of time. Sad!

This pandemic came at a time the Government claims to be fighting Corruption but yet, with no good health facility, no basic amenities and infrastructure. Worst of it all there is no security. During this period, the Government allowed the Terrorists Herdsmen a liberty to movement and they have been terrorising communities in the South.

The Security Operatives are not left out, they invade, loot, injure and harass shop owners, especially here in Akwaibom, Itam market & at other locations of Uyo and its environs. In Ikot Ekpene, they were seen at the City Plaza by 3:30pm on 3:4:2020 setting up road blocks and molesting motorcyclists who were making ends meet.

In a quick response to this inhuman treatment by the government, the Leader of Indigenous People Of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu had on March 26, 2020 budgeted the sum of N300 million towards assisting with the basic needs of the less privileged Biafrans and to equip hospitals with Covid19 tests kits etc. The first amount of N50 million was released immediately and every arrangement on ground. This is a time to know who has interest of his people at heart.

Every man and woman from the Southeast Nigeria must join hands with Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and get our Freedom. NIGERIA is a failed state and unsalvageable.

Come quickly Oh BIAFRA.

Written by:
Nyikke Abasi Oku
For: Akwa Ibom State Media

Edited by:
Ngozichukwu Ada-Dav
For: Akwa Ibom State Media

Published by:
Chibuike John Nebeokike
For: Akwa Ibom State Media

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