■ Twitter: @Umuchiukwu_writ
■ 22, APR 2020
Good evening wonderful people great Biafrans wherever you are on this very planet Chukwu Okike Abiama created to his glory, I welcome you to another explosive, exposition of the very fraudulent contraption, the very disease abomination that the British created for the enslavement of children of light, we have come to destroy, we have come to render asunder, we have come to decimate that very tower of darkness, that very zoological republic, we have come that the blind may see, we have come that the deaf may hear, we have come to enlighten and to educate.
Without any apology to anybody, without fear before our enemies determined and resolute indestructible, there is nothing the enemies can do. Our call is straight we are on autopilot I can assure you. The preceptor of the zoo is inevitable absolutely inevitable, the devil may try all he can, but we are resolute we are determined if you like to come out tomorrow and write over my dead body will Biafra come you will see what will happen to you, this very movement will destroy Nigeria completely beyond recognition everything you associated with the zoo Nigeria will completely be obliterated from the face of the earth.
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night regardless of where you are domiciled, everywhere there is humanity the world is listening, the entire planet is listening man can not be stronger than God in heaven that's why we have come that the kingdom of God may descend down to this very earth to the very centre of the universe that's why we preach this very gospel the way we do.
My name is Nnamdi Kanu.
I am the leader of the indigenous people of Biafra, and by the very special grace of Chukwu Okike Abiama, I will continue to serve the wonderful people of Biafra until the end of time, of course, my job is to restore Biafra and after that being done.
Opening prayer followed the opening prayers were anchored by our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, and after that, he proceeded with the broadcast.
Heaven is bearing us witness this evening as we preach, the zoo can not survive it doesn't matter what they do, it doesn't matter what they say, it doesn't matter who they call, it doesn't matter who their native doctor is, it doesn't matter who their Babalawo is, it doesn't matter the country they feel is behind them one thing is inescapable the zoo must fall because it should not have existed in the first place.
I said this before, please allow me to repeat very clearly. When I say that Nigerians are animals, I am referring to everybody that subscribe to the light view that a white man can come from Europe and create a country in Africa. But at the same time, no Africa can travel to Europe to create a country, I want people to understand the basis of our agitation why we do what we do, why everybody who is sensible, anybody who is reasonable anybody who is discerning enough anybody that has conscience there is no way you can identify yourself as a Nigerian.
As soon as you do that, as soon as you open your mouth to say you are a Nigerian you have reduced yourself to nothing because Nigeria was not created by God I keep saying this all the time. Go and Google it who created Nigeria you will see the name Frederick Lugard, also go and Google who created the USA, who created Canada, who created Germany, who created France, who created Spain you will see the reason why Africa is backwards. We have no shame we are the ones that belittled ourselves, we are the one that told the whole world that we are animals, we are the ones insulting ourselves by the failure to comprehend, our failure to reason, our failure to understand, our failure at least to accept that we have the same reason capacity or capability like other race in the face of this very earth.
Somebody left Europe and came to Igweocha and saw a very beautiful place and they say now we call it Port Harcourt, and some people are saying it is Port Harcourt and am looking at them and am wondering what God made you for don't you have shame? Are you telling me that we can travel to England and create Port Wike or Port Amechi is that what you are telling me? You want me to believe that you can come to Europe and name a waterway. Your name is that possible? They will slaughter you. In fact, they will even say you are not well; they will put injection on your body and dump you in a mental home.
I was delighted before we came on air this very evening that there are some Yorubas am glad to say who have remained very consistent, Prof Akintoye do you know what he said? Am reading from the zoo publication, The Yoruba World Congress (YWC) on Monday rubbished the several empathies for Abba Kyari, late Chief of Staff to President Muhammadu Buhari.
The body labelled Kyari as Nigeria’s de facto President and suggested that he was the one controlling the nation’s affairs.
Exactly what I have been staying, If Abba Kyari is the de facto base on what this Prof said that means you have no president in the first place.
People do not understand the meaning of democratic accountability the people you hold responsible when things go wrong are those you voted for if they don't do what you ask them to do you vote them out. That's why the president-elect is the commander chief of arm forces do you know the reason why? Because if something goes wrong, you hold them responsible you don't vote for the Chief of Army staff, you don't vote for the Chief of Navy staff, you don't vote for the chief of Air Force or whatever they call them.
Do you see why we call Nigeria a zoo? Now you are beginning to understand I am very very happy that this Yoruba world Congress my only fear is that I hope they remain consistent not tomorrow now they will start saying something different just please be consistent I beg of you.
You are in a country where the vice president position no longer exists, Osibanjo is held hostage infected with Covid19 and been held hostage against his wishes and nobody is asking. How about your vice president, where is he? Nobody is asking any questions because they are in the damnable zoological republic of Nigeria when we call them a zoo country they don't understand it, but we call them a zoo country for a reason and with a good reason.
A Chief of Staff is no more than the head of the president’s kitchen cabinet, the president’s collection of personal staff, that has no superiority to the structural pillars established by the constitution of Nigeria.
You are not supposed to be seen now let me ask you if you think that what Abba Kyari was doing is good who the chief of staff of president Olusegun Obasanjo was? Simple who was the chief of staff of Bill Clinton? Chief of staff of Obama can you remember then? Who was the chief of staff of Good Luck, Jonathan? Even Yaradua do you remember them? Some of them are now running to Google to go and Google it no tell us.
I will then prove to you this evening even European Union who are eating oil money from Biafraland and been bribed by the Fulani cabal that they know, am going to prove tonight even UE know that Buhari is dead and they kept quiet because of what they are getting.
Somebody should please Google it for me and tell the whole world, how many Civil engineering departments you have in Nigeria? That is the number (1) question. (2) how many Civil engineering professors that are only good at rigging the election for an irritated look at somebody wearing a gown as a dumb rigging out election for someone without WAEC Certificate can you believe such nonsense? And tomorrow you will be complaining ooh we don't have light oooOO, there is no way ooO in this country who did we offend? Can you imagine how you are reasoning? You offended yourself, your brain offended the rest of your body because your brain failed to engage with the reason that's all you didn't offend anybody, your brain offended the rest of your body because you are not able to reason and think properly.
Am grateful to this Yoruba group so that people can no longer turn around and say Nnamdi Kanu every time he is talking, the people are saying that Nnamdi Kanu is always talking all the time, I have not even started you think if you say it, I will stop, oh when is this your Biafra coming? And am asking you when are you going to stop useless generator like every other civilized people do? When will you stop drinking water from bole hole? You can't answer, but you want me to answer you, you see how daft they are that is why sometimes I pray that they engage me in a debate openly so that I can decimate them. I am grateful to Prof Akintoye and also a man called Adeyemi Adeleye the director of communication I thank them for raising this very issue because the rest of the zoo they kept thinking maybe there is something wrong with IPOB, there is something wrong with Nnamdi Kanu, but the world can now see that the zoo called Nigeria is not banana republic for nothing the people inside it they don't reason very well.
A chief of staff is a mare political appointee not elected by the people that is something you must know, so he has no constitution position is just because they don't want to lose power that all, Atiku knows what is happening who in Nigeria doesn't know that Buhari is dead they all know even EU they all know.
Look at Ambassador that is not corrupt he has been ban from entering Nigeria, some said, but John Campbell was corrupt, and I said to them, no if he was the zoo would have to release his data, he was banned from entering Nigeria Ambassador Campbell former US ambassador to the zoo called Nigeria.
Anytime somebody in good terms with something that is evil you know there is something wrong with that very person, that's why when you see people that speak the truth men if honour that speaks the truth they are always consistent they never change if you like them fine if you hate them that is your own business.
We are not in Biafra to make friends is just to get Biafra, and to let African understand that there is a way you can reason and that qualifies you as a human being, any other way you are bush meat.
People don't want Biafra to be free, they said that etchie is a tribe, ordinary etchie etchie that is Igbo land. Let me tell people something that they do not know, there is Afara In etchie Afara where I come from. The same way we are in Nmbaitolu Imo state, the same way we are in Anambra in abagana Afara is everywhere there is Afara in where I come from, there is Afara in Etchie somebody sat in their office in Lagos probably filed with self-hate, and tribalism decided oh the best thing for us to do let's divide this person. Let's say that Egbema is a tribe and they distributed this document to diplomats all over the world that is what they have done there is no game they will not play to try to debate what we are doing, but they know how resolute we are are we going to stop? The answer is no, so why are you wasting your time?
It's now understood to everyone that there is no Buhari in Aso Rock, I told you before this whole thing started to unfold that that dummy they have wearing Buhari mask In Ask can not speak that was what I said in my three broadcasts I said it live on air, no matter what you do the dummy in Aso Rock will not talk. Or he does is if there is meeting in the morning now there is no Champions League football he will put on his face mask he will be waving at the camera smiling and I told you he can not speak.
If a whole EU speaks how come the man in Aso Rock you claim is Buhari can not speak? Because I said it before, the other one is trapped in Cuba. Go and do broadcast I will tear you apart go and do broadcast Nah let's see you.
Have you seen the airline that flew him to Abuja as they claim where is the airline from? So now there is a new airline operating from Lagos to Abuja? The special airline that nobody has seen before they think we are stupid? They bring out idiot noisemakers on social media to be writing garbage.
Inside Aso Rock now there is an actor but he can not speak I am waiting for him God knows any day he opens his mouth I analyze him frame by frame that shame will not allow them to bring him out again let him go and speak. They know he can not speak of course is dead he can not speak, people are dying of hunger you can not address them, and you say you are a president, may that president catch fire you people make me sick here we make you reason.
Are people blind? If that thing in Aso is Buhari get him to address the people, get him to answer questions from journalists he can not, ask him what is your name he can not remember and you say is Buhari?
Listen carefully to the headline from vanguard,
EU mourns Kyari, says he was passionate about developing Nigeria most especially the North. The European Union Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS has mourned the passing of late Chief of Staff to President Muhammadu Buhari, Abba Kyari. In a condolence message by Amb. Ketil Karlsen, Head of the EU Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS, the EU expressed sadness at the demise of the statesman.
Ordinary Chief of staff, not the president, not the vice not the Senate president, not the speaker of the house because the man has been bribed. They are all benefiting from corrupt Nigeria all of the big time they are benefiting, they are eating large that is what they do now listen.
Karlsen described Kyari as an inspiration to many. Where did you meet him? He supposes to be inside the kitchen in Aso Rock minding Buhari meetings where did you meet him? So when you come to Aso Rock, you come to see Abba Kyari you no longer go to the president you came to see? He is the inspiration which meeting did you attend with him where? Let's continue to read the massage.
I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Abba Kyari. My thoughts are with his family.
“He became a friend and was an inspiration with his passionate approach to the development of Nigeria in general and the North in particular, may his soul rest in eternal peace.’’
Since his appointment as the Chief of Staff to President Muhammadu Buhari in August 2015, Abba Kyari was a major player in Nigeria’s central government until he died.
And am asking anybody who still have cells brain working who is Nigerian and who is listening, where earth in the world have you heard about the chief of staff to the president been describe in this terms where have you seen that before?
Remember how they stole money when Yaradua died, they went to centre Bank they were offloading money in blood daylight that's what they are doing now.
You claim Buhari is still alive he friend died he never said anything, and I keep asking what justification do you have not to say anything.
Let me say one thing and make it very clear to our Yoruba brethren, I keep saying the Yoruba all the time because they hold the key in terms of media coverage and be able to open the thing up for the world to see. Yoruba did not feel sophisticatedly ashamed to say how come that Osibanjo is sidelined, Nobody mentions his name, Nobody knows where he is if he is alive or death Nobody knows. if you ask questions, they will bring somebody wearing a mask nothing is hidden under the soon maybe sooner than later something will happen
Jubril has not said anything, This powerful man died EU said something why can't he address people live? He can not do it because he is a dummy.
Some of you don't know they have brought in the vaccine they are vaccinating people all over Africa are you aware that they are vaccinating around Africa? Our ignorance is too much they are vaccinating people, the French will say if one president is in Africa is dead, and they don't know that he is dead they are accepting a man wearing a mask, let's go there and experiment with them after all our words of condemnation the French still send their doctors and they are vaccinating, and why did they come? Because the Chinese are doing the same thing in Nigeria so, do you see the mess we put ourselves in? Do you see what we have done to ourselves? Tomorrow you will want China to respect you; that is why they are beating us to death in China.
Do you see that thing I told you from the beginning? The problem that a black man has is his brain cells the way he/she reason is the problem. That you don't have electricity is your reasoning, that you don't have water is the way you reason that you don't have good roads is how you reason.
The French are testing the vaccine on our children, the Chinese are doing the same thing all over the zoo called Nigeria. And we got some report that they are doing it in Biafra land I said no I want to see the videos until you show me the videos I am not going to believe you. That is the only reason why it appears as if things are normal in Biafra land, they said that they are there they are experimenting, they are vaccinating people they are testing their vaccine, and if you go to any credible news outlet organization all over the world they will tell categorically there is no vaccine for Covid19, but they are in Africa injecting our children, they first came because Abba Kyari invited the Chinese to come.
They came, and they are lying I told you people before you open your eyes you can not see, there are some pictures which will be shared this evening of Aso Rock the proper office two offices in Aso Rock you can not see them take pictures there because that is the one they are working on right now nobody can get in. You can't see anybody there anymore because Abba Kyari died with it they have to demolish the door and bring in another bulletproof door that is what they are doing right now ask them.
Do you know they ban journalist from coming to Aso Rock? Are all of you aware those that are listening are you aware that they stop a journalist from reporting from inside Aso Rock? Did they tell you that? But that is what is happening because we have exposed them, they don't know which journalist will report to IPOB that is why they have decided to, of course, ban all of them. The picture of the main conference Hall, the picture of the main president privet office ask them to go there and take a picture they can not, ask them to go there to stream anything live they can not they can never do it, that tells you all you need to know.
In Biafra land the Igbos never conquered anybody if you don't want to be part of them you can go, you say I don't want to be Igbo again they say goodbye to you, the same thing happened in Israel.
Where is Osibanjo the vice president where is him? What have they done to him? Why are people not asking questions? Why are people not demanding to know where their vice president is? And you are telling me you are in-country Aso Rock has to crumble is gone anyway. People allow themselves to be used Yoruba papers they see all of this things, but because of money, because of ethnic consideration they keep publishing and sustaining lies, people are sustaining blood daylight lies in the presence of people you are lying.
What does that hole in the neck of this man nobody can explain but is Buhari, how come he is looking young like this we don't mind is Buhari, why won't the French come and experiment with you? Why won't the Chinese experiment with you? All they are doing is sending soldiers to go and kill, and when they kill a Biafran we have shown them the video and the picture the police have admitted, the person that shot the man is in the hospital the Yoruba paper will write man allegedly shot dead in Ohafia tell me why I will want to be in the same country with people that write headlines in such away.
Somebody should tell me you just woke up and start to hate people? The police said we have arrested the officer that shot the young man dead, and the newspaper editor is saying allegedly, but they are busy writing IPOB burnt police station the world must know this Yoruba, and you keep asking yourself what are they gaining from this thing they are doing?
Now I want the Yorubas to understand something, Yoruba you have never chosen the leader of Nigeria before has only been chosen by the Fulani, they brought out Obasanjo gave it to him when they came back again after they killed Abiola they came back again they looked around you they said no, did Yoruba vote for Obasanjo to start with? Yoruba never voted for Obasanjo who voted for him? The same Biafrans for Obasanjo in Yoruba land, the same Biafrans voted for Abiola, and I keep asking them where is your hatred coming from? Oh, you are afraid of competition now I see, but once there is a competition you get the best out of your people when they compete.
You are serving Fulani Alamagiri, and you want me to respect you, of course, I am not like that, I am not a hypocrite I can't respect you others can but not Nnamdi Kanu I can't do that nonsense, any day Yoruba stand up like men and accept their right then we know they have arrived, look at Amotekun how many days is collapsed completely gone, bombs going off everywhere because Fulani they understand the day you join with Biafrans they are finished they are gone.
All those ambassadors in Abuja US ambassador I want to ask them a question, the Buhari you claimed you know in 2015, did he use to breathe through the hole in the neck? The simple question isn't it a very simple question, can you please confirm that the Buhari you knew before using to breath through a hole? In the necklet, they answer us. Since they don't want to respect themselves and do what is right give me a referendum that is all am asking for they said no.
Everywhere we will bombard you with those pictures you will be forced to issue a statement, tonight we ask EU who is this man with a hole in the neck? It is Buhari why is he wearing a mask? Simple. We are going to ask everybody tomorrow we are going to continue Washington Post, New York times, we want to ask them a simple question does your own president also breath from a hole in the neck?
We are going to tweet tonight no sleeping the hardcore will be awake, I want to ask the owner of channels, we want to ask the owner of AIT, we want to ask the people writing for Punch newspaper and for Nation we want to ask them the Buhari you know before did he have a hole in his neck? Two times he appears with a hole in his neck the so-called friend that got WAEC result for him from Cambridge died he never said anything; instead, it's the president what utter rubbish is that.
You know Jubril said he is not coming back he is in Cuba, I don't know who they shot dead and buried in a shallow grave, I don't know who they killed and buried in a shallow grave in Abuja they said he is Abba Kyari.
And as we are doing with the Efulefu's in the west we have even hardened hardcore Efulefu in Biafraland in Hope Uzodimma, he said he is going to rename Imo State University as a tribute to his oga Mallam Abba Kyari, let me tell him something when he was in Lagos doing 419 because that was his job, it uses to be called obtaining by tricks we ask him to try and see. What is saving him is Covid19 ones Covid19 is over he will find it very hot in Imo state, and he knows that very well, Let me see how many troops they are going to send to come and save you when the time comes.
For this fraud, all of you will go to jail, or you will die, you either die or you go to jail all of you that is calling yourself cabal and moving up and down like idiots all of you will go down because now the eyes of people have open they now listen to Radio Biafra you can no longer deceive them, you can no longer deceive our people.
Ask them who created Nigeria? So you are angry that black people want to create a country or want to return back to their old country? But you are happy that white man came and created a country for you, you are killing people because of what white man created I don't understand it.
Go back to your home and start organizing yourself to take back your land, go back to your areal and start organizing yourself to take back your land or else Fulani will drag all of you down and destroy all of you in the process.
We have come to an end of our today broadcast, and as always without any hesitation, we proclaim proudly that Biafra is our religion, that here on Radio Biafra is where we worship because Elohim Chukwu Okike Abiama Puru ime ihe Nile in heaven is our God, from me from here it's good evening.
Remain Blessed Umunnem.
Opening prayer followed the opening prayers were anchored by our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, and after that, he proceeded with the broadcast.
Heaven is bearing us witness this evening as we preach, the zoo can not survive it doesn't matter what they do, it doesn't matter what they say, it doesn't matter who they call, it doesn't matter who their native doctor is, it doesn't matter who their Babalawo is, it doesn't matter the country they feel is behind them one thing is inescapable the zoo must fall because it should not have existed in the first place.
I said this before, please allow me to repeat very clearly. When I say that Nigerians are animals, I am referring to everybody that subscribe to the light view that a white man can come from Europe and create a country in Africa. But at the same time, no Africa can travel to Europe to create a country, I want people to understand the basis of our agitation why we do what we do, why everybody who is sensible, anybody who is reasonable anybody who is discerning enough anybody that has conscience there is no way you can identify yourself as a Nigerian.
As soon as you do that, as soon as you open your mouth to say you are a Nigerian you have reduced yourself to nothing because Nigeria was not created by God I keep saying this all the time. Go and Google it who created Nigeria you will see the name Frederick Lugard, also go and Google who created the USA, who created Canada, who created Germany, who created France, who created Spain you will see the reason why Africa is backwards. We have no shame we are the ones that belittled ourselves, we are the one that told the whole world that we are animals, we are the ones insulting ourselves by the failure to comprehend, our failure to reason, our failure to understand, our failure at least to accept that we have the same reason capacity or capability like other race in the face of this very earth.
Somebody left Europe and came to Igweocha and saw a very beautiful place and they say now we call it Port Harcourt, and some people are saying it is Port Harcourt and am looking at them and am wondering what God made you for don't you have shame? Are you telling me that we can travel to England and create Port Wike or Port Amechi is that what you are telling me? You want me to believe that you can come to Europe and name a waterway. Your name is that possible? They will slaughter you. In fact, they will even say you are not well; they will put injection on your body and dump you in a mental home.
I was delighted before we came on air this very evening that there are some Yorubas am glad to say who have remained very consistent, Prof Akintoye do you know what he said? Am reading from the zoo publication, The Yoruba World Congress (YWC) on Monday rubbished the several empathies for Abba Kyari, late Chief of Staff to President Muhammadu Buhari.
The body labelled Kyari as Nigeria’s de facto President and suggested that he was the one controlling the nation’s affairs.
Exactly what I have been staying, If Abba Kyari is the de facto base on what this Prof said that means you have no president in the first place.
People do not understand the meaning of democratic accountability the people you hold responsible when things go wrong are those you voted for if they don't do what you ask them to do you vote them out. That's why the president-elect is the commander chief of arm forces do you know the reason why? Because if something goes wrong, you hold them responsible you don't vote for the Chief of Army staff, you don't vote for the Chief of Navy staff, you don't vote for the chief of Air Force or whatever they call them.
Do you see why we call Nigeria a zoo? Now you are beginning to understand I am very very happy that this Yoruba world Congress my only fear is that I hope they remain consistent not tomorrow now they will start saying something different just please be consistent I beg of you.
You are in a country where the vice president position no longer exists, Osibanjo is held hostage infected with Covid19 and been held hostage against his wishes and nobody is asking. How about your vice president, where is he? Nobody is asking any questions because they are in the damnable zoological republic of Nigeria when we call them a zoo country they don't understand it, but we call them a zoo country for a reason and with a good reason.
A Chief of Staff is no more than the head of the president’s kitchen cabinet, the president’s collection of personal staff, that has no superiority to the structural pillars established by the constitution of Nigeria.
You are not supposed to be seen now let me ask you if you think that what Abba Kyari was doing is good who the chief of staff of president Olusegun Obasanjo was? Simple who was the chief of staff of Bill Clinton? Chief of staff of Obama can you remember then? Who was the chief of staff of Good Luck, Jonathan? Even Yaradua do you remember them? Some of them are now running to Google to go and Google it no tell us.
I will then prove to you this evening even European Union who are eating oil money from Biafraland and been bribed by the Fulani cabal that they know, am going to prove tonight even UE know that Buhari is dead and they kept quiet because of what they are getting.
Somebody should please Google it for me and tell the whole world, how many Civil engineering departments you have in Nigeria? That is the number (1) question. (2) how many Civil engineering professors that are only good at rigging the election for an irritated look at somebody wearing a gown as a dumb rigging out election for someone without WAEC Certificate can you believe such nonsense? And tomorrow you will be complaining ooh we don't have light oooOO, there is no way ooO in this country who did we offend? Can you imagine how you are reasoning? You offended yourself, your brain offended the rest of your body because your brain failed to engage with the reason that's all you didn't offend anybody, your brain offended the rest of your body because you are not able to reason and think properly.
Am grateful to this Yoruba group so that people can no longer turn around and say Nnamdi Kanu every time he is talking, the people are saying that Nnamdi Kanu is always talking all the time, I have not even started you think if you say it, I will stop, oh when is this your Biafra coming? And am asking you when are you going to stop useless generator like every other civilized people do? When will you stop drinking water from bole hole? You can't answer, but you want me to answer you, you see how daft they are that is why sometimes I pray that they engage me in a debate openly so that I can decimate them. I am grateful to Prof Akintoye and also a man called Adeyemi Adeleye the director of communication I thank them for raising this very issue because the rest of the zoo they kept thinking maybe there is something wrong with IPOB, there is something wrong with Nnamdi Kanu, but the world can now see that the zoo called Nigeria is not banana republic for nothing the people inside it they don't reason very well.
A chief of staff is a mare political appointee not elected by the people that is something you must know, so he has no constitution position is just because they don't want to lose power that all, Atiku knows what is happening who in Nigeria doesn't know that Buhari is dead they all know even EU they all know.
Look at Ambassador that is not corrupt he has been ban from entering Nigeria, some said, but John Campbell was corrupt, and I said to them, no if he was the zoo would have to release his data, he was banned from entering Nigeria Ambassador Campbell former US ambassador to the zoo called Nigeria.
Anytime somebody in good terms with something that is evil you know there is something wrong with that very person, that's why when you see people that speak the truth men if honour that speaks the truth they are always consistent they never change if you like them fine if you hate them that is your own business.
We are not in Biafra to make friends is just to get Biafra, and to let African understand that there is a way you can reason and that qualifies you as a human being, any other way you are bush meat.
People don't want Biafra to be free, they said that etchie is a tribe, ordinary etchie etchie that is Igbo land. Let me tell people something that they do not know, there is Afara In etchie Afara where I come from. The same way we are in Nmbaitolu Imo state, the same way we are in Anambra in abagana Afara is everywhere there is Afara in where I come from, there is Afara in Etchie somebody sat in their office in Lagos probably filed with self-hate, and tribalism decided oh the best thing for us to do let's divide this person. Let's say that Egbema is a tribe and they distributed this document to diplomats all over the world that is what they have done there is no game they will not play to try to debate what we are doing, but they know how resolute we are are we going to stop? The answer is no, so why are you wasting your time?
It's now understood to everyone that there is no Buhari in Aso Rock, I told you before this whole thing started to unfold that that dummy they have wearing Buhari mask In Ask can not speak that was what I said in my three broadcasts I said it live on air, no matter what you do the dummy in Aso Rock will not talk. Or he does is if there is meeting in the morning now there is no Champions League football he will put on his face mask he will be waving at the camera smiling and I told you he can not speak.
If a whole EU speaks how come the man in Aso Rock you claim is Buhari can not speak? Because I said it before, the other one is trapped in Cuba. Go and do broadcast I will tear you apart go and do broadcast Nah let's see you.
Have you seen the airline that flew him to Abuja as they claim where is the airline from? So now there is a new airline operating from Lagos to Abuja? The special airline that nobody has seen before they think we are stupid? They bring out idiot noisemakers on social media to be writing garbage.
Inside Aso Rock now there is an actor but he can not speak I am waiting for him God knows any day he opens his mouth I analyze him frame by frame that shame will not allow them to bring him out again let him go and speak. They know he can not speak of course is dead he can not speak, people are dying of hunger you can not address them, and you say you are a president, may that president catch fire you people make me sick here we make you reason.
Are people blind? If that thing in Aso is Buhari get him to address the people, get him to answer questions from journalists he can not, ask him what is your name he can not remember and you say is Buhari?
Listen carefully to the headline from vanguard,
EU mourns Kyari, says he was passionate about developing Nigeria most especially the North. The European Union Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS has mourned the passing of late Chief of Staff to President Muhammadu Buhari, Abba Kyari. In a condolence message by Amb. Ketil Karlsen, Head of the EU Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS, the EU expressed sadness at the demise of the statesman.
Ordinary Chief of staff, not the president, not the vice not the Senate president, not the speaker of the house because the man has been bribed. They are all benefiting from corrupt Nigeria all of the big time they are benefiting, they are eating large that is what they do now listen.
Karlsen described Kyari as an inspiration to many. Where did you meet him? He supposes to be inside the kitchen in Aso Rock minding Buhari meetings where did you meet him? So when you come to Aso Rock, you come to see Abba Kyari you no longer go to the president you came to see? He is the inspiration which meeting did you attend with him where? Let's continue to read the massage.
I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Abba Kyari. My thoughts are with his family.
“He became a friend and was an inspiration with his passionate approach to the development of Nigeria in general and the North in particular, may his soul rest in eternal peace.’’
Since his appointment as the Chief of Staff to President Muhammadu Buhari in August 2015, Abba Kyari was a major player in Nigeria’s central government until he died.
And am asking anybody who still have cells brain working who is Nigerian and who is listening, where earth in the world have you heard about the chief of staff to the president been describe in this terms where have you seen that before?
Remember how they stole money when Yaradua died, they went to centre Bank they were offloading money in blood daylight that's what they are doing now.
You claim Buhari is still alive he friend died he never said anything, and I keep asking what justification do you have not to say anything.
Let me say one thing and make it very clear to our Yoruba brethren, I keep saying the Yoruba all the time because they hold the key in terms of media coverage and be able to open the thing up for the world to see. Yoruba did not feel sophisticatedly ashamed to say how come that Osibanjo is sidelined, Nobody mentions his name, Nobody knows where he is if he is alive or death Nobody knows. if you ask questions, they will bring somebody wearing a mask nothing is hidden under the soon maybe sooner than later something will happen
Jubril has not said anything, This powerful man died EU said something why can't he address people live? He can not do it because he is a dummy.
Some of you don't know they have brought in the vaccine they are vaccinating people all over Africa are you aware that they are vaccinating around Africa? Our ignorance is too much they are vaccinating people, the French will say if one president is in Africa is dead, and they don't know that he is dead they are accepting a man wearing a mask, let's go there and experiment with them after all our words of condemnation the French still send their doctors and they are vaccinating, and why did they come? Because the Chinese are doing the same thing in Nigeria so, do you see the mess we put ourselves in? Do you see what we have done to ourselves? Tomorrow you will want China to respect you; that is why they are beating us to death in China.
Do you see that thing I told you from the beginning? The problem that a black man has is his brain cells the way he/she reason is the problem. That you don't have electricity is your reasoning, that you don't have water is the way you reason that you don't have good roads is how you reason.
The French are testing the vaccine on our children, the Chinese are doing the same thing all over the zoo called Nigeria. And we got some report that they are doing it in Biafra land I said no I want to see the videos until you show me the videos I am not going to believe you. That is the only reason why it appears as if things are normal in Biafra land, they said that they are there they are experimenting, they are vaccinating people they are testing their vaccine, and if you go to any credible news outlet organization all over the world they will tell categorically there is no vaccine for Covid19, but they are in Africa injecting our children, they first came because Abba Kyari invited the Chinese to come.
They came, and they are lying I told you people before you open your eyes you can not see, there are some pictures which will be shared this evening of Aso Rock the proper office two offices in Aso Rock you can not see them take pictures there because that is the one they are working on right now nobody can get in. You can't see anybody there anymore because Abba Kyari died with it they have to demolish the door and bring in another bulletproof door that is what they are doing right now ask them.
Do you know they ban journalist from coming to Aso Rock? Are all of you aware those that are listening are you aware that they stop a journalist from reporting from inside Aso Rock? Did they tell you that? But that is what is happening because we have exposed them, they don't know which journalist will report to IPOB that is why they have decided to, of course, ban all of them. The picture of the main conference Hall, the picture of the main president privet office ask them to go there and take a picture they can not, ask them to go there to stream anything live they can not they can never do it, that tells you all you need to know.
In Biafra land the Igbos never conquered anybody if you don't want to be part of them you can go, you say I don't want to be Igbo again they say goodbye to you, the same thing happened in Israel.
Where is Osibanjo the vice president where is him? What have they done to him? Why are people not asking questions? Why are people not demanding to know where their vice president is? And you are telling me you are in-country Aso Rock has to crumble is gone anyway. People allow themselves to be used Yoruba papers they see all of this things, but because of money, because of ethnic consideration they keep publishing and sustaining lies, people are sustaining blood daylight lies in the presence of people you are lying.
What does that hole in the neck of this man nobody can explain but is Buhari, how come he is looking young like this we don't mind is Buhari, why won't the French come and experiment with you? Why won't the Chinese experiment with you? All they are doing is sending soldiers to go and kill, and when they kill a Biafran we have shown them the video and the picture the police have admitted, the person that shot the man is in the hospital the Yoruba paper will write man allegedly shot dead in Ohafia tell me why I will want to be in the same country with people that write headlines in such away.
Somebody should tell me you just woke up and start to hate people? The police said we have arrested the officer that shot the young man dead, and the newspaper editor is saying allegedly, but they are busy writing IPOB burnt police station the world must know this Yoruba, and you keep asking yourself what are they gaining from this thing they are doing?
Now I want the Yorubas to understand something, Yoruba you have never chosen the leader of Nigeria before has only been chosen by the Fulani, they brought out Obasanjo gave it to him when they came back again after they killed Abiola they came back again they looked around you they said no, did Yoruba vote for Obasanjo to start with? Yoruba never voted for Obasanjo who voted for him? The same Biafrans for Obasanjo in Yoruba land, the same Biafrans voted for Abiola, and I keep asking them where is your hatred coming from? Oh, you are afraid of competition now I see, but once there is a competition you get the best out of your people when they compete.
You are serving Fulani Alamagiri, and you want me to respect you, of course, I am not like that, I am not a hypocrite I can't respect you others can but not Nnamdi Kanu I can't do that nonsense, any day Yoruba stand up like men and accept their right then we know they have arrived, look at Amotekun how many days is collapsed completely gone, bombs going off everywhere because Fulani they understand the day you join with Biafrans they are finished they are gone.
All those ambassadors in Abuja US ambassador I want to ask them a question, the Buhari you claimed you know in 2015, did he use to breathe through the hole in the neck? The simple question isn't it a very simple question, can you please confirm that the Buhari you knew before using to breath through a hole? In the necklet, they answer us. Since they don't want to respect themselves and do what is right give me a referendum that is all am asking for they said no.
Everywhere we will bombard you with those pictures you will be forced to issue a statement, tonight we ask EU who is this man with a hole in the neck? It is Buhari why is he wearing a mask? Simple. We are going to ask everybody tomorrow we are going to continue Washington Post, New York times, we want to ask them a simple question does your own president also breath from a hole in the neck?
We are going to tweet tonight no sleeping the hardcore will be awake, I want to ask the owner of channels, we want to ask the owner of AIT, we want to ask the people writing for Punch newspaper and for Nation we want to ask them the Buhari you know before did he have a hole in his neck? Two times he appears with a hole in his neck the so-called friend that got WAEC result for him from Cambridge died he never said anything; instead, it's the president what utter rubbish is that.
You know Jubril said he is not coming back he is in Cuba, I don't know who they shot dead and buried in a shallow grave, I don't know who they killed and buried in a shallow grave in Abuja they said he is Abba Kyari.
And as we are doing with the Efulefu's in the west we have even hardened hardcore Efulefu in Biafraland in Hope Uzodimma, he said he is going to rename Imo State University as a tribute to his oga Mallam Abba Kyari, let me tell him something when he was in Lagos doing 419 because that was his job, it uses to be called obtaining by tricks we ask him to try and see. What is saving him is Covid19 ones Covid19 is over he will find it very hot in Imo state, and he knows that very well, Let me see how many troops they are going to send to come and save you when the time comes.
For this fraud, all of you will go to jail, or you will die, you either die or you go to jail all of you that is calling yourself cabal and moving up and down like idiots all of you will go down because now the eyes of people have open they now listen to Radio Biafra you can no longer deceive them, you can no longer deceive our people.
Ask them who created Nigeria? So you are angry that black people want to create a country or want to return back to their old country? But you are happy that white man came and created a country for you, you are killing people because of what white man created I don't understand it.
Go back to your home and start organizing yourself to take back your land, go back to your areal and start organizing yourself to take back your land or else Fulani will drag all of you down and destroy all of you in the process.
We have come to an end of our today broadcast, and as always without any hesitation, we proclaim proudly that Biafra is our religion, that here on Radio Biafra is where we worship because Elohim Chukwu Okike Abiama Puru ime ihe Nile in heaven is our God, from me from here it's good evening.
Remain Blessed Umunnem.
Edited/Published By Udeagha Obasi
For Umuchiukwu Writers
A coach of any sport whatsoever is a person whose job entails leading a big number of people directly and indirectly. This calls for excellent organization and application of the right tools needed to achieve the same. 스포츠중계