Facebook has shut down the Live streaming that we are
using. Yoruba people working for Facebook have shut down our Live stream. But
are we going to give up? Of course not. We shall continue. We shall continue,
that is the marvel of what we are doing, we are going to continue. They are incapable
of stopping us. Today, they have shut us down completely. They do not want us
to continue to preach this very gospel on Facebook. Do you see the problem we
are encountering? They started by removing people, forcing people to leave.
How are we going to fight Facebook? Just tell me, can
anybody tell me how we are going to fight Facebook, as powerful as they are?
These are part of the things our people do not
understand. The enemies of Biafra are numerous. If you know the forces that
fought against our head of State, Gen Odumegwu Ojukwu, when you see him you
bow, of course he is late, we know. He is a man that deserves every respect,
every accolade, I'm telling you. He did not have the chance to expose all these
evil conspirators against BIAFRA, but we have that unique privilege and that is
why we are utilizing it, and we are back on Facebook, if they like it or not.
We are still streaming, we are back on Facebook, must continue to preach this
gospel on Facebook, if they like they like let them shutdown the platform, we
shall restart it over again. That's how evil they are. But we must continue
because this very gospel is very important and must be preached all over the
world. We are not going to relent.
Now has Britain said anything or USA? But they are
running around asking for Unity. Let's reunite in Peace. Unite around what, I
ask them? Unite against a bill that says "If you say a thing they do not
like, we hang you". So, instead of legislating for jobs and
infrastructural development to make sure that people have all the necessity
they need to live a decent and honourable life, all they are doing is to say, they
will hang you, and I'm saying to them, when you say you are a Nigerian, what do
you expect? As long as you are a Nigerian, you have accepted that the Fulani
caliphate would rule you forever and ever. If they are not in Power, as they
did with former president Jonathan and Gen Obasanjo, they determine, and tell
you whom they want to be in power and they control that very person.
A bill to kill people for speaking out their minds,
something that is contained in the Constitution and my concern is this, some of
you may think this is nothing but it is actually something because as soon as
this bill or a legal suit that goes to Supreme Court, of there is a legal
challenge that goes to Supreme Court. What do you think the Supreme Court would
The Chief Justice of the Federation has no certificate. He
didn't go to school. He went to Sharia night school. They asked him about his
certificate and he said it was eaten by termites. Therefore, what you need to
do now to become a Lawyer in Nigeria, is to buy that Wig and sew a black gown.
Make sure you are entering into a court room every blessed year and maybe after
two years, you go and say you are a Lawyer. If they ask you where did you go to
school, you go and swear to an affidavit and that's it, and then you are a
Lawyer. That's what the supreme Court said because people are in a Zoo, they
talk about HATE SPEECH, when they themselves have been merchant of Hate speech
and do you know what they have done to tell you how they are working against
the common man in the streets in that damnation called NIGERIA.
As captured by:
Ngozichukwu Ada-Dav
For: Lagos State Media
Published by:
Chibuike John Nebeokike
For: Lagos State Media
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