■ Author:  Chinonso Igwebuike Mbah
■ Twitter: @Umuchiukwu_writ
■ May 10, 2018
For quite some time now I have noticed with great fear and concern that the daily increase in the rate of proliferation and influx of Northern youths "Hausa/Fulani," being brought in and transported into Biafraland especially Enugu province as has been reported by our journalist.

It is on record that uncountable trailers fully loaded with Hausa/Fulani youths, are moving into the province every night escorted by armed security men which makes it difficult for residents to search the trailers, as a result of migration under the guise of insurgency/terrorism in the North East, Buhari cloned Jubril is now taking advantage of that to transport Boko harm/Fulani Herdsmen together with sophisticated weapons into Biafra land,and I am afraid that any moment from now the may strike.
I would have kept quiet, but it is my primary duty and responsibility as a journalist under the Supreme Leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, to always expose every Lie and evil plot of the Nigeria government against the indigenous people of Biafra. Hence, Nigeria black envelop journalist cannot do that for us, neither will the so-called governors and elders defend us, we own humanity the obligations to always condemn the evil being melted on our people by the murderous Fulani government of Jubril Muhammad Buhari, in collaboration with their terrorist security apparatus. My concern and greatest surprise is the rate at which they come in and immediately get themselves into some trade businesses, within a short period of their arrival and never checked. If you will recall, some time ago the military through their investigations discovered that Boko Harm members have informant's, among the army and people of which many of them are shoemakers, Bike rider's, fruit sellers E.t.c. When we look around us today and take a close watch, you will discover that those Northern youths are energetic and physically fit.
Please, our vigilante's group especially each and everyone of us individually and collectively in Biafra land must try to know if these northern youths, who have now engaged in trades and other kinds of street hawking business that allows them to move from one place to another into our communities, and environments are indeed genuine set of individuals and not Boko harm terrorist or the Fulani herdsmen rampaging here and there. I was opportune to interact with some of them, and my interaction with them shows that majority of them are not even from Nigeria, and there are some questions we need to ask ourselves to keep safe and ward off any emergency external attacks and aggression in our land.
Where are they from? Who invited them? Who is harboring them or giving them places to stay or sleep at night? Where did they get the money to start their trade for survival or they have other sinister motives? Why do they hide their phones from the public glare at daytime yet they use these same phones in the evening when they gather together with their colleagues? Why do we have only male youth's coming down to Biafraland? Why do they converge at a designated point in the evening?

With all these questions which demand an answer I may say that Fulani herdsmen/Boko harm terrorist in collaboration with Nigeria security agents are laying siege in our land, to massacre, slaughter and spill our blood any moment from now, we must intensify our effort in making sure we protect our town and villages and also monitor every movement at night, as for those harbouring Hausa/Fulani as their gateman, water merchant and security guards go and get your casket prepared because you will soon be slaughtered like a chicken, they will not spare you when the time comes not even your governors or security forces , humanity will bear us witness that we warned you ahead of time it's high time you remove the hand of the monkey from the pot of soup before it turns into a human hand.

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