Breaking news!!!
    The governor of Ebonyi state Engr David Nwaeze Umahi ordered the staff of Ebonyi state university not to allow any student without voters card to write any examination in school anymore.

    The four campuses of Ebonyi state university were on Friday 20, April 2018 thrown into great  pandemonium following the announcement by the school management that no student will be permitted to write the ongoing semester examinations in school without presenting his/her INEC voters card again.

    The students of the university  were writing their semester examinations, which started earlier the week but was suspended on Friday 20, April 2018, following the order from the state government to enable them go and get the voter's card to avoid missing out of the examinations which will recommence on Monday 22, April 2018.

    Students who do not have the INEC voter's card were mandated to go and get it, because it will be  presented before entering into  examination halls starting from Monday when the examinations will recommence.

    Meanwhile the students who were thrown into discombobulation had no option than to go nooks and crannies of the INEC voter's registration centers in the state as to obtain it to avoid losing the chances of writing their remaining  examinations.

    Many INEC voter's registration centers were filled up as many turned out to get registered, one of the students who identified her name as Chioma while speaking to the newsmen over the issue said "I went to two local government areas in order to register and get the  voter's card since they said without it one will not enter the examination hall not to talk of writing". She further said that the two places she visited were filled with people mostly the stranded students and  the INEC officials in charge of the registration collects the sum of #200 per person before registration, according to them they said that the money will be used to fuel their generating machine, as though they got no pay from the work they are doing.

    Ogeh Friday Igiri
    Reporting for
    Abakaliki Biafra Province media.
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    3 comments so far,Add yours

    1. Truth Is Bitter :How on earth is voting compulsory for university examination in Ebony State.So without voting student cannot have their examine anymore.Dave Umahi is a very exasperate Man but time shall tell.We Biafran must restore Biafra by all means is a task to be fulfill.All Hail Biafra.The Bingo Governor from Ebonyi State you time is up.Shithole Country

    2. Truth Is Bitter:Governor Dave Umahi is an Idiot how on earth should he tell the student that they will be no examination without PVC just imagine the sithole country is highly unconstitutional and beside is the Governor paying for the Student School fees that without PVC no examination.What an idiot. Is high time the student start their demonstration in all the campuses to stop the dwarf Dave Umahi from all this his idiotic madness.

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