By Chimpuruimeihenile Immanuel Ukoha (Abia writers)
Edited by Livingrich Ezeikpe
It is not strange in Nigeria that each time there are serious issues to be tackled that can bring a lasting solution to the lives of the people, the Nigerian government would launch one type of distraction or the like.

They are on it again. Few weeks ago, the issue of an arrested kidnapping kingpin by name, Evans, was making the waves. There were series of information and confessions said to have been made by the said Evans as alleged by the Nigerian police.
However, it does appear that none of those confessions came directly from the said Evans.
This is clearly a plot by Nigerian Government to draw the attention of the world away from the issues of constant assault, harassment, abduction, incarceration, killing and unlawful imprisonment of Biafrans.

You can imagine how distracting the whole menace is especially when considered that at some point they tried linking Evans with IPOB, Nigerian police, the Nigerian Army and as it stands currently, even some clergy men are on the verge of being linked too. Funny enough, the said criminal instead of being prosecuted turned around to sue the federal republic of Nigeria, after days of incarceration! In response to the suit high profiled legal practitioners in the state started asking for his release. Can you see Nigerian government and a whole log of distractions it consists! Isn't this clearly a plot between the said Evans and the Nigerian government to pull people's mind away from the matters of the moment?

we can still remember the Osisikankwo menace; he was a government boy. A tool in the hands of the then Abia state governor to orchestrate evil and as well shift people's mind from reality.
The government used him as a tool to control people's mind; subjected them to fear and distracted the attention of the world from the issues that bordered on the welfare of the people. When Osisikankwo grew wings, maybe as a result of a clash of interest just like the Hausa/Fulani oligarchs created Boko haram but can no longer contain them, the government of the day sought to eliminate him, so much money was promised to whoever could help to apprehend Osisikankwo.

After a long while the news came that Osisikankwo had been killed; by who? the same people that brought him out. He was not granted any press interview but was killed on the spot, which is the usual Nigerian government way of life, although some quarters have it that he is still alive.
This time again the Nigerian government promised anybody who could come out with any information about Evans's whereabout before he was nabbed by the police, which resulted in the appearance of Amara and others in the case.

But then again the distraction keep mounting as the said Evans has been declared vanished from the police cell amidst tight security. How? Vanished to where? are questions Nigerian government may have to provide answers to.

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