■ Author: Ugochinyere Onyechere
■ Twitter: @Umuchiukwu_writ 
■ January 18, 2017
From all indications, I am solely convinced that the world passionately hates Biafrans to the core. I am not optimistic, rather I am realistic, and also proclaiming the simple truth. No man on this planet earth can deny knowing or being aware of the predicaments faced by Biafrans? How many African countries have said anything about this? How many African presidents have said anything concerning the humiliations Biafrans passes through? To the best of my knowledge, I have not seen nor heard of anyone of them defending Biafrans.

Why are Biafrans desolated? We fought the civil war unarmed, we faced the terrible situation all alone, we were killed and massacred, we were deprived of our inheritance, our women were raped and taken away, our fathers were murdered in cold blood, our children were starved to death. How many African countries defended us? How many African presidents spoke in our favour? Why the hatred? Africa, Asia, North and Southern America, Europe, Austra, why the hatred? Why are like animals in thy sight? After the civil war, we have been made to face all manner of illegal treatments by those who claimed to be one with us. We face death, humiliations, political disfranchisement, extra-judicial detention and killing of all type. Yet, how many of these world leaders could do something? Of course none. I felt so dejected and humiliated when I remember Biafran massacre by the Nigerian Army both at national High School Aba and at Nkpor at Onitsha in Biafra land. I ask again, how many of the world leaders could utter a word?
Biafrans are only seeking for their freedoms. We have many of our brethren being held incommunicado under hectic torture and incarcerations, by the Nigerian murderous security agencies. People who had done no harm, rather seeking for their freedoms. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, and the director of Radio Biafra and the Biafran television is a case study. He has been granted an unconditional release by a different court of jurisdiction but has been held against his wish, under the orders of the tyrant in Aso Rock, paedophile Muhammadu Buhari who sworn never to release him irrespective of the court orders. Recall that Muhammadu Buhari took an oath of office, to defend the human right, and to uphold the rule of law. Also, never forget so quickly that the contraption called Nigeria is the giant of Africa. Leaders should be held by their examples. Why has Muhammad Buhari decided to fight a fellow tyrant who only learnt tyrannical behaviours from him, as a leader? This hypocrisy at the highest other. In Igbo language, there is a saying that says thus “anaghi ahapu oku di n’ulo achu oke” which literally means that “one does not leave the burning house to chase after rats.
Today, the president of the contraption called Nigeria is chasing shadows. In conjunction with the silence of the world, I could vividly sense something fishy. Just a few days ago, Gambia began to experience some political crisis, following the refusal of the president to accept defeat in the presidential election which he lost to his opponent. Guess what; tonight, Gambia with a total population of approximately two million and 2500 soldiers will be perceived multi-national forces to help ensure that the will of the people expressed during her last presidential election on 1st December 2016 is respected and upheld.
530 soldiers from Senegal, 600 from Ghana, 100 from Sierra-Leon, 1,000 from the contraption called Nigeria, 200 from France, UK and Germany 30 fighter jets, 100 B52, etc. all these will be escorting the Gambia president-elect to the inauguration venue in Gambia. This is happening while innocent Biafrans are killed all over the contraption called Nigeria. The attention of the world has been drawn to Gambia all of a sudden. What about those in secret cells of Nigeria? What about those killed for nothing? The world is silent on the issues related to Biafrans.
This is an unforgettable lesson which I can never forget in a hurry. Perjury and injustice are limited in other countries and their affairs, but never in Nigeria where matters concerning Biafrans arises. The rate in which Biafrans are disgusted is so alarming. Human lives could be measured with political tussles, and in this world of injustice, political power is more recognised. This is unbelievable. President Buhari has taken it violently, as though he is a saint.
The outgoing president of Gambia has given President Buhari a condition, on the note to release mazi Nnamdi Kanu before he can relinquish the presidential seat of Gambia. Funny enough, Muhammadu Buhari released the highest number of soldiers to invade Gambia, while he is guilty of the same offence. The world must explain better, why they hate Biafrans and what we have done to deserve all these.

Editor Udeagha Obasi
For Umuchiukwu Writers.
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