BIAFRA: It is so disgusting to know that these elders of doom that called themselves senators, for the first time, has taken a step, leading to a meeting scheduled by the Paedophile and Child rapist Muhammadu Buhari about the Biafran issue. Never in the history of Nigeria have the Senators or even the lowest authorities in the Northern caliphate do reject their people, not even when they are wrong. The Northern authorities and elites are always there for their people, at all times.While our senators are busy sorting for properties both home and abroad, in an exchange with our lives and human rights to the northern devils in power.
I hope these so called senators who claimed to be representing us as a people; that visited the Paedophile called Muhammadu Buhari were there when the same man ordered for the massacre of Biafrans for no just reasons? I am confident that none of them has demanded the release of our leader, not to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledged Mazi Soludo, who once addressed most of the greedy fellows, on the importance of being outspoken.
He made it clear that Biafra issue has gone beyond kitchen or bedroom whispers. For long, our people has been killed, massacred, extra judiciary detained. Our people has been dying on a daily basis, no remorse, nor pity. Now, these fellows have emerged from nowhere, to speak on behalf of the same people they jointly massacred. IPOB has their board members, chaired by Prophet Mazi Nnamdi Kanu who is presently in prison.
Without his presence, any form of meeting or negotiate is null and void. While he was going from village to village, state to state, country to country and continent to continent to create awareness and get the Lost sheep of Biafra land, the same gang of people were looking for him, to get him persecuted. He gave them another chance by bringing up a platform where they are free and welcomed to come in, yet they still sort for his life. Instead of them to join his campaign, they looked for a way to disseminate him, but Chiukwu-Okike-Ahbiama gave him a shield.
In the real sense of humanity, what is in their minds, to come to an agreement of meeting with the Paedophile? These are wicked and bloodthirsty demons, who takes the life of their people for granted. They get themselves enriched with our hard works. While we strive for freedom and the total emancipation of our people, all we get from them is betrayal and profound sabotage. They were there when the Nigerian military terrorists clamped down on innocent protesters who had only come out to exercise their humanitarian rights.
We were killed in thousands and buried in mass graves. None of them had said anything. Today, they had wakened up all of a sudden, to seek for redress. They just have their greatest nightmares. Biafrans have been on their journey to their promised land, and the biggest mistake we can do is to allow these corrupt entities into our affairs. We, therefore, sanctioned full suspensions upon each and every one of them, until they avenge the death of our people. Until those who are illegally detained are freed, and most and especially, Biafra is released.
In the absence of these, we reject to know or recognise their existence. In our land, our ancestors have a saying that States" own an elderly man cannot be at home while the goat dies of hunger". To be an elder, and a man to be respected, you still own duties to display. This reminded me of a short movie song, regularly shown on Biafran Tv, that states "show me people that abandoned their tradition, and I will show you people that are destined for doom".
We disregard every epitome of negotiations, nor meeting that has no representatives from our one and only leader, prophet Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. We only want justice to be sanctioned, and that justice is to execute the murderers of our people, to give justice to our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu via fair trials and justice. Apart from these, they should go to hell, because we are ready and over willing to deal with them all. Biafrans are determined, and they must accept that fact, or leave it. This is our right, and we shall not joke with it.
Give us Biafra or kills us all.
Free Nwa Chineke. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu...
Free Biafra.
By Precious Emmanuel
Editor Udeagha Obasi
For UmuChiukwu Writers
These harlot elders who for ever and ever are Hausa-Fulani and Yoruba slaves are laughable. These rejected Biafran elders are outcast and had better pack their belongings and get the hell out of Biafra with their family and never to return to Biafra Land again!!!