BIAFRA: Buhari is bastardising the constitutional democracy. A judge will make his judgement based on the evidence and petitions put forward by the defence and prosecution counsel Our fundamental constitutional rights are being bastardised in a democracy. DSS are lap dogs for Buhari; they go about humiliating, victimising and carrying unlawful, illegal and unconstitutional arrest and detainment of anyone who is not in Favour of Buhari.
I can't believe all this is happening in a democratic system of government. Why should the government take somebody to court and then refuse to obey the ruling of the same court? The truth remains that the agitation for the restoration of Biafra is a divine mandate, it has come even in the wave of Buhari's secret agenda of Islamising Biafrans.
Enough is enough, no amount of killing can subdue this agitation because even in the space of several killings that has been met with them, they have continued without fear.

In fact it has made us stronger. But it should be on record that the Nigeria government has continued to exercise their rascality and has now gotten to the point of arresting judges who ruled against them in their continued incarceration of Nnamdi Kanu, whose only offence was demanding the freedom of his people. I have said it times without numbering that Nigeria is an evil contraption and the level of corruption that breeds in it is insurmountable and has destroyed the polity.

Nnamdi Kanu is destroying it Further with the truth. He said that he would destroy Nigeria with the truth and that is what he has continued to do. Also, Buhari taught by abducting him, he will erase the quest for restoration of Biafra but instead it has waxed longer and stronger and will continue until the needful is done. All hell will let loose if while he has been incarcerated he dies. Therefore Buhari you should know by now that you are a failure for with one Biafran you have killed, tens of millions have emerged. There is no reason Biafra will not be restored. All hail Biafra.

Ezekwereogu John
For UmuChiukwu Writers

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