By Chima Onyekachi

The Igbos residing in Kano State have protested the wanton killings of two traders, Mrs Bridget Agbahime and Mr Tochukwu Augustine Ilo who were murdered by Islamic fundamentalists and trigger-happy men of Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) respectively. Mrs Bridget was killed at Kofar Wambai market, when a Muslim youth who knew she is a Pastor’s wife shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ and accused her of blasphemy against Prophet Mohammad. She was not taken to any Sharia court as stipulated by the Islamic religion; she was molested and beheaded by over 1000 Muslim fanatics. Most recent, Mr Tochukwu was on his way to collect an old debt from his Hausa/Fulani customer, Dan Hajia, who owed him a huge amount of money and had refused to pay, but he did not know he was being set up. He was accosted by armed men in civilian clothing who shot him, and he was rushed to the hospital where he finally died. It was later discovered that those who killed him were police officers.

The new leader of the Boko Haram Islamic terrorists, Abu Musab Al-Barnawi, has threatened to bomb churches and kill mostly Christians. He also alleged there was a plot to Christianize the Muslim-majority northern Nigeria, and he is being supported by Islamic State Jihadists group, ISIS. It should be noted the deposed leader, Abubakar Shekau, has carried out deadly attacks against both Christians and Muslims in places of worship, markets and parks. Al-Barnawi has berated Shekau for killing Muslims, that it is against the principle of the Islamic religion and has promised to concentrate on churches and security formations. The aim of forcing a Muslim President into power has being achieved with the blood of both Christians and Muslims, but the next agenda of Islamisation must be achieved with only the blood of infidels(Christians) according to the writings of the Quran.

Every Biafran sojourning in northern Nigeria must know that the new Boko Haram leader will come into States that has not promulgated Sharia law, or passed laws like that of Kaduna state. The Islamisation of Nigeria is in full swing and has the active support of those in the corridors of power. According to former Aviation Minister, Femi Fani-Kayode, “Shekau is evil, but Al-Barnawi is even worse; he is the devil incarnate. He represents ISIS, and we all know what that means. He continued “Nigeria is in a mess. If it is not Boko Haram that is slaughtering our people (Christians), it is the Fulani herdsmen.”

Bridget Agbahime and Tochukwu Ilo, left behind family members who are demanding for justice they will never get in Nigeria. The Igbos that have protested in Kano have done well, but they must be aware that they are never safe in any part of Nigeria, especially in northern Nigeria. They must be mindful of the fact that they are the most vulnerable and most endangered humans on earth. In Europe, America, Asia and even in Biafraland, they are being subjugated and murdered indiscriminately. The solution to these atrocities against them is the restoration of the sovereign state of Biafra. The Igbos must join hands with other clans of Biafra to restore their fatherland. A place where they will be free to live without fear of attack against them because of their religious belief and enterprising nature.
Authored by Chima Onyekachi, For The Great Biafra Journalists.

Published by Okpalaeze.
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