Panic measure drove the Nigeria army into constituting a ramshackle and kangaloo 10 man panel to investigate themselves in the act they committed by themselves. The united states boys brigade is more effective, more efficient,more organized and accepted worldwide than the Nigerian army in Sudan under the supervision of United Nations, among other military contingents from other countries, Nigeria army is known and called BOY SCOUTS by other countries army why? (1) The ZOO Nigeria army have never in history fought any country in defense of her territorial integrity, prove of it is in 1979 or there about when the Cameroonian gandarm killed five Nigeria soldiers into Bakkasi peninsula, the then head of state was Alhaji Usman Aliu Shagari the whole world expected Nigeria to role out their so called army but to no avail, Shagari and their Islamic boyscout called army CHICKENED OUT.
Paul Biya the Cameroonian president was invited to Nigeria and he came like if he is going on site seen, he came with his wife and children, his entourage was like a carnival, The ZOO Nigeria president Alhjai Shagari served him tea, served his wife and daughter Chocolate and took the entire entourage to buffet.When asked by the ZOO journalist why did he welcome his enemy that way , his reply was "we want peace" Buhari lost 12 soldiers to Cameroonians during his reign of terror with Idiagbo, Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida lost 22 soldiers, 4 old women traders, 5 fishermen and 3 little girls playing inside their compound the gendarme struck.
He invited Paul Biya but was snobed only for Nigeria to receive a letter from Organization for Africa Unity (OAU) stating that nigeria and her citizens are trespassing in Cameroon's territorial water, IBB as he was called was disgraced in the meeting in Adi sababa Ethiopia, Babangida left the meeting unanounced, on arrival to nigeria , journalist at Ikeja lagos airport terminal ask him what was the outcome IBB simply said (NO COMMENTS) Sani Abacha lost 7 soldiers, 8 fishermen and a lady, he only cautioned Paul Biya and flooded Bakkasi pennisula with weak and feeble Nigeria army who only went their to exchange cigarettes, smuggled gold chain and hot drinks. Ernest Sonekan within three Months of his interim government lost 30 Nigeria army, 2 elderly woman and her grand son to brutal, vicious and invading Cameroonian gendarme, the Nigeria army begged Paul Biya to release the corps of some of the soldiers because they crossed to Cameroon side of the border just to purchase some goods, they were captured and killed in Cameroon's territorial waters.
Adult Salami Abubaka lost 18 villagers to Cameroon soldiers only for him to travel to Yaoundé to party with Paul Biya only to return here and announced that both leaders had a fruitful diplomatic discussion.As if that is not enough, the so called marine commando In person of Aremu Mathew Kikiola Olusegun Obasanjo finally surrendered to the fiasome and deadly Cameroonian arm and handed over part of the zoo Nigeria territory Bakkasi peninsula to Cameroon. the secret i want the world to know is that Paul Biya only went to International court of justice to force Nigeria army to sign stating that the peninsula was indeed captured and not ceded as Nigerians was made to believe.
The killing of unarmed Biafran protesters was a well ocastrated, planned and executed action in Anambara, Enugu, Asaba, Port Harcourt and the massacre in Aba on THE 9th of February, 2016. Buhari and goons, called soldiers are deceiving themselves, the international criminal court ICC is very much aware of the planks they are playing right now. The evidence of Buhari's atrocities with his Islamic BOKO haram army is overwhelming, indisputable and undeniable. Do not forget that one Islamic teacher Alhaji Sheikh Ahmad Abubaka Gumi accused the former Chief of army staff Lieutenant general Azubuike Ihejirika of converting Nigeria army into the Igbo dominated Army, why he came up with the allegation is because the northern Nigeria Islamic JIHADIST including Buhari saw that general Ihejirika was about to destroy BOKO haram root and branches, they did all they could and persuaded Good luck Jonathan to remove him, Jonathan fell for it and removed the world number 21 most intelligent army ever produced by Africa after Aguiyi Ironsi and general Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu. The so called investigation is for sure an efforts infertility, it is a ploy to delay the emerging SUN, emerging, people and their emerging nation.THE ZOO NIGERIA ARMY ARE NO LONGER IMPEDIMENT. BIAFRA SHALL COME WHILE THEY WATCH.

Written by Benjamin Kish
Edited by Obasi
For UmuChiukwu Writers
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