Pope Francis recognises Biafra

It was planned to be a protest day. It turned out to be a fun-filled day as well. It was a day Biafrans took their case for the restoration of Biafra to the Vatican, the Catholic Church’s international headquarters. The day was indeed a remarkable day for Biafrans who trouped out in front of St. Peter’s Basilica on Sunday, January 28, to seek audience with Pope Francis, the Catholic worldwide leader.
As early as 7 O’clock in the morning of that day, Biafrans in Italy, joined by others from other parts of Europe, started arriving the venue for the protest. They were there with their Biafran colours – vests and flags – glistening in morning light. Their good fortune for the day showed early enough as they were quickly cleared by security at the entrance without hassles.
According to Michael Iroanya, the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) in Italy, they were determined to add another remarkable mileage to the Biafran struggle. And that they did as they sang solidarity songs and songs of praises to God. As they sang and danced; they waved their dearly beloved Biafran flags with pride. Many worshipers in at the Vatican were impressed with them, and admired them as they waved their flags excitedly. The people – Italians and peoples of other nations – could not help it but to join in the fun.
At the end of the day, their people were so impressive that Pope Francis acknowledged their presence, and pronounced Biafra. On one hand, the Pope’s declaration on the day made it apparent, even to none Biafrans that the Biafran train has finally left the train station. That was the first time in history that a world leader had acknowledged Biafrans and spoken up in their favour. On the other hand, it showed that the case of Biafra independence was gradually, but steadily getting out of hand for Muhammadu Buhari, the Nigerian President and his government and people.
Buhari had thought that by apprehending and detaining Nnamdi Kanu, the worldwide leader of IPOB, that he would be deescalating the popularity and growth of the Biafra idea. But the contrary became the case as increasingly Biafra mania is catching up and spreading across the world. There is now no way other world leaders will not join in expressing solidarity to the highly talented Biafran peoples.
Now, more than ever before, it is certain that the more Buhari remains obstinate in his refusal to release Nnamdi Kanu from his gulag, the more it is certain that other world leaders will be forced to speak on the behalf of Kanu and his country, Biafra.
Kanu: The Prisoner of Conscience
Before Buhari was rigged-in as Nigeria’s President last year, Kanu has been doing his Biafran agitation quietly but progressively across the world; and amongst his people. Buhari did not know that the message had already permeated so deep amongst the people. No wonder when, last year, his officials boasted but failed to jam radio Biafra; they boasted further that they were going to neutralize the Biafran agitation.
It was later learnt that what they meant and believed was that taking Kanu out of circulation and away from his microphone would end the agitation. But they were mistaken. The contrary continually proved to be the case. It is now most certain that the more Buhari continues to hold Kanu in his gulag; the more Biafrans will continue to break more grounds on their quest for the restoration of the sovereign and independent state of Biafra; and the more Nigeria will be headed to the abyss.

Biafrans will be stepping out in next few days for another European protest, this time in London. The protest will be taking place in front of the British Parliament and many British MPs sympathetic to the Biafran struggle will lead the protest.
BrithsParliament Building: Venue of next Biafra Protests

6 comments so far,Add yours

  1. Soon and very soon, it will happen

  2. it is always looks impossible until it is don-Nelson Mandela

  3. Soon! The Train would arrive as the Pope said: It has left the Train Station long since... I saw it with my very eyes when it left with great speed.

  4. God is not a boy boy. God is working.

  5. Thank you God, for seeing us through. May your name be praised. Amen
